Posted 2 years ago
(3474 items)
I stayed here on vacation, I have been wanting to stay there for a few years. Some people may not care for it because it is bit dated but I like it that way. Often old hotels like this are gutted but this one is fairly intact. I would like it if it was more intact.
My favorite part is the elevator. It is old school and you need to close the gate for it to run. You can see the inside wall while it goes up and down. Be sure to close the gate or the next person won't be able to call the elevator.
Noe to see if I can get another post or two in.
I like the building. I would pick that too over the modern hotel chains that all look identical. I remember an old elevator like that in a department store as a kid. It even had an attendant on board to open and close the doors and press the buttons for you.
Sounds like a place I would stay at :)
Thank you very much elanski. There is antique mall nearby (in a mountain sort of way) that has a similar elevator.
Thank you very much Falcon. Great video.
I also recall an elevator with such a gate and an attendant who operated the gate and pushed the buttons. She had a stool to sit on in the elevator. Only she was permitted to operate the elevator.
This was in a medical office building (The Harbin Clinic, Rome Ga). I’d accompany my grandmother when she had appointments there. It was a special treat for my little preschooler self to ride in an elevator!