Posted 2 years ago
(1 item)
antique electric slide-in Westinghouse stove. To chair. - soft cleaning.- large chrome timer, box with outlet - oven light switch on front -I purchased this from someone who purchased a home. He told me that the Italian couple had two kitchens, and this stove is hardly ever used. It is in pristine condition. Although I have the model number and serial number as listed in the photo, I could not find this exact model anywhere! I would love to have a manual or, the brochure ad. And I would appreciate someone with knowledge about this item, posting more information.
AKA Westinghouse Terrace Top
Oh, my goodness! Even before I read the responses by TallCakes and DejaVu2, I was thinking: 1960s Avocado Green! Our new house was built in 1968 and THE colors to have in the kitchen were Avocado Green, Harvest Gold and an orange color whose name I cannot recall. My mom chose the green so our stove, countertop and sink were all green….the floor was 12”X12” vinyl tiles with all 3 of those colors. I still have that sink behind my shed! You’ve jogged my memory about it. ;^)
Burnt Orange might have been the name of that other companion color back then.