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Park - O - Meter PART II

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (845 items)

    Park - O - Meter PART II

    I wanted to show you a little more of my park o meter. I also just finished fabricating a stand for it out of old stainless lamp parts. Actually this was my custom Ford lamp I made..hmmm..just looked, I guess I never posted that piece.

    Here is the inside view from the back. You can see there's a non- jeweled clock work labeled "Relhor SA Swiss made". These devices had to be accurate under any number of conditions. Interestingly there's a key lock at the top front of the case, but the back has a flat blade screw. All you need is a large flat blade to open the case up to expose the mechanism.

    The stand came out pretty good. To the top of the meter is 54", so it's a perfect height and similar to what it would be installed. I had to do some fabrication, including drilling out a stainless bung to accept the large bolt that holds the machine on.

    Not sure where I'm going to put it. I haven't found the perfect place in the garage yet, so for now it's inside next to one of my display cabinets. Sansa wanted to pose for a picture..terrible photo angle though. May end up between the trucks..undecided.

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 2 years ago
      Terrific parking meter & great restoration. Love the zen garden backdrop. Sansa is looking gorgeous as ever, looking at something interesting
    2. leesa3242 leesa3242, 2 years ago
      Well Sansa is just adorable!!!
    3. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 years ago
      Jenni and leesa..thank you. Ueli was in the yard waiting for frisbee time. Sansa is the pure bred female malinois.
    4. yougottahavestuff yougottahavestuff, 2 years ago
      Great Meter!! Great Dog!! My buddy Sheldon and I had some double sided key's that looked similar to one's back then used on parking meter locks. We sold them for a Buck to unsuspecting younger kids as parking meter key's. Told them they just had to find the right meters the keys fit to CASH IN!!
      JUVENILE delinquent's
      Still friends but now we're SENIOR DELINQUENT'S!!
    5. keramikos, 2 years ago
      dav2no1, Your babies love the camera, and the camera loves them back. <3

      About Relhor:


      Relhor was known for making parking meter movements for the German market

    6. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      you keep the hardware i take the dogs, RETEGOED
    7. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 years ago
      Stuff - that's hilarious..I can see these kids running from machine to machine..

      Kera - thank you..I did some reading on their company and time lock movements..

      Waki - I can have them shipped to you. The dogs are a handful and require constant attention. They will drive you crazy..
    8. dav2no1 dav2no1, 2 years ago Anything Obscure back with us? Welcome back..

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