Posted 2 years ago
(843 items)
Vintage Gas Can
I guess I forgot to post this. I was given this gas can recently for my garage collection. Not sure exactly, but it can't be more than a few gallons. There is a sunflower type pattern on the top. There's no markings at all except a stenciled gasoline. Has a metal wire and wood handle. Has a very small spout. The cap has a hook..I guess that's to hang it on the side of the can while filling?
Must be pretty old, can't find any information on this can.
I had oiled it to preserve the metal just before taking drying oil stains are what you see.
Nice! A simple to use - great looking old gas can.
The new cans, in compliance with almost 100 pages of regulation from the EPA, have to be self closing, child proof, and allow no spillage.
Instead, they are adult proof, leak gasoline all over the motor you’re filling, and are double the cost. :)
dav2no1, It must be great, because I see AnythingObscure loving it.
Hi, AnythingObscure. Long time, no see. :-)
Falcon - I have seen those. ...I just use my 5 gallon race jugs..just pour.
Kera - I noticed that in my meter post and welcomed him back.
A five gallon fast pour race jug just wouldn't be my first choice for filling a small gas tank on a gas trimmer or lawnmower :)
When the EPA put those rules in!! A neighboring towns Police dept. Was checking landscaper's gas cans and ticketing them!! They had nothing better to do!!
Falcon - You keep the air nozzle closed and they pour slow. And if you have the flexible hose it's easy to control. Unfortunately non ethanol gas around here is $6.90+ a gallon and my big block is thirsty!
Yikes.... 6.90 a gallon!
Ethanol in gasoline.... don't get me started.... OK I'll just say a short blurp.....
Federal regulations require ethanol to be blended into gasoline, creating a giant industry that would not exist without large subsidies and imperious mandates. Unbelievable that Ethanol was the route chosen to prevent pre-ignition knock when there were better strategies available.
As far as using plastic gas cans.... never had one.... probably never will buy one...personal choice. :)
Excellent vintage can.
Thanks Fort. I don't know who manufactured this one. I've seen one other online that was bigger..
Falcon..yeah ethanol is a scam. Doesn't run great in lawnmowers etc..or big block chevys.
These are the best, no guessing here, just simple design the way gas should be !~
I have a gas can or 2 with the flower motif on top….thought I had posted one but must have only dreamed that. I think mine has the name on it…I’ll have to check on that and let you know. :^)
Thanks folks for noticing I've snuck back in's been a dreadful summer for me, sorely lacking time/motivation to hang out here to enjoy the show!
And yes, of course, I now have a sorta similar (vintage, anyway) metal gas can somewhere. Wish I still had the ones I actually used as a teen, they were rectangular in profile, but had nifty GASOLINE graphics. Agree that modern plastic 'safe' examples are generally not worth having...
Watchsearcher..Would be interested to see that..
AO - of course we noticed you were missing! Life is what it is..not always pleasant.
dav2no1, AnythingObscure, Sometimes real life can severely harsh one's hobbies. :-(
Maybe that hook/clip on the cap once held a metal pouring spout?
Yes indeed, inconvenient, but so TRUE, TRUE, TRUE....... <groan>
Nice one Dave!! I miss the old metal gas cans. Today, the plastic ones have safety spouts that can be a real pain to use.