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My first vase by Beyermann & Company. Active in Haida 1865 - 1928.

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (11 items)

    This beautiful cobalt blue glass vase was a mystery for me ( and many others, no-one could tell me) for many years. I bought it 2012 at a scout "loppis" in south of Sweden. I searched to find out who made it for a long time...and finally, after almost 1 year, I saw one at Google and got the name; Beyermann & Company" !!! WOW ! So... I searched further but could could hardly find any more but here at CW there was one posted !!!

    Now 11 years later I have a small collection of 4 pieces and a fifth on it´s way. All in cobalt blue. / Marie

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    1. keramikos, 2 years ago
      Beyermann, That's so beautiful. <3
    2. BHIFOS BHIFOS, 2 years ago
      Beautiful, but more pictures please. You are allowed 4.
    3. Beyermann Beyermann, 2 years ago
      Hi keramikos! Thank you, yes, it´s beautiful ! Do you know what other vase I am talking about?
    4. Beyermann Beyermann, 2 years ago
      Hi, BHIFOS . Thank you so much for helping me... I am new and not good at this. Yet. Now there are 4 photos but, sadly, 2 is laying down...
    5. keramikos, 2 years ago
      Hi again, Beyermann. :-)

      Yes, I suspect you mean this old post of Malkey's with the Beyermann Puss in Boots image:
    6. keramikos, 2 years ago
      On your sideways pictures: this is a known technical problem here at Collectors Weekly.

      A work around is to edit your photos slightly. Trim an edge, it doesn't matter which edge, and then replace the sideways pictures with the edited ones.
    7. Beyermann Beyermann, 1 year ago
      Hi, keramikos! No, not Malkey´s vase... I didn´t notice his until much later and then didn´t realise what it was...
      The one Google told me I could find here is another very nice piece in yellow and green posted by godsotherson.
    8. vetraio50 vetraio50, 1 year ago
      Wonderful Find. I still mourn the loss of one I bought here in Australia that did not make the trip home safely because of poor packing.
    9. keramikos, 1 year ago
      Beyermann, Ah, OK. :-)

      You were writing about this one:
    10. keramikos, 1 year ago
      Expanding a bit on the sideways pictures phenomenon: this is a long-time problem here at Collectors Weekly Show & Tell. The software doesn't always play nicely with some photograph sources, especially cameras installed in smart phones and tablets.

      I suspect the reason might be the portable nature of smart phones and tablets. I know that I myself usually rotate my phone sideways all the time when taking pictures.

      The camera is smart enough to keep track of things like it orientation at the time a photograph is taken:

      The CW S&T software might be keying in on the camera orientation information of the photograph.

      There is no online (with regard to CW S&T) fix, but the typical workaround is to edit an offline copy of the problem photograph, save a copy, and then replace the online one with the edited copy.
    11. Beyermann Beyermann, 1 year ago
      vitraio50 ! Hi, so sad for your loss...

      Amazing it was in Australia by the way, a very long way from little Haida in Bohemia. Can you, perhaps, please, show a photo of it? I am sure it is (was) beautiful! / Marie
    12. Beyermann Beyermann, 1 year ago
      keramikos, thank you for helping me so much. So kind! These are old photos, I will try to turn them before posting...
    13. SEAN68 SEAN68, 1 year ago
      very well crafted vase!! beautiful!!
    14. Beyermann Beyermann, 1 year ago
      SEAN68, Hi! Thanks, I agree it´s very well crafted and beautiful! Can´t believe it´s more than 100 years!

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