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French 1874 Bayonet For Gras Rifle

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    Posted 1 year ago

    (3477 items)

    This is my big exciting buy from the last Long Beach flea market. This is the bayonet for the Fusil Modele 1874 rifle more commonly known as the Gras. It was a single shot black powder rifle. Repeating arms were a bit slow in catching on even after having been used with success in the American Civil War.
    The bayonet is long and thin with a T back. It is over 20" long and rather light. Hard to tell on this one but the pummel is brass. The bayonet is not in the best condition and the wooden handle has been replaced. It is possible that this was made for a different country such as Turkey. Half the bayonets found today were made for Turkey or Austro Hungaria or something like that.

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    1. elanski elanski, 1 year ago
      Long for a bayonet. Nice to see a proper old thing on CW

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