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Mostly Metal Memories Matchbox Monday Models of Yesteryear Y-11 Packard Landaulet 1912 1968-1970

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    Posted 1 year ago

    (3472 items)

    I posted an earlier version of this model several years back but this one has the exciting window box. I believe the window boxes started in 1968 and this version until 1970-71. The model was first released in 1964 and sold through 1972. Information is a little fuzzy with the Yesteryears.
    Anyway this one is a little gem. It what was called a town car or limousine. Perfect for going to the opera or theater.

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    1. DejaVu2 DejaVu2, 1 year ago
      That is so cool! Reminds me of the Munster Koach. I wonder if that's where they got the idea to build it? Great post!!
    2. elanski elanski, 1 year ago
      Never seen or heard of one before. Interesting old car. You might like:
    3. keramikos, 1 year ago
      fortapache, Cool.

      Another vehicle from the 'good old days" when the wealthy sat inside all cosy while their servant braved the elements. };-)

      Here's another model thereof with a drawing showing it in use:

      Here's the real deal:
    4. keramikos, 1 year ago
      DejaVu2, The Munster Koach (apparently made from three different Model T bodies):
    5. keramikos, 1 year ago
      fortapache, I was so focused with the uncovered driver compartment that I failed to notice that the passenger compartment isn't entirely covered, either.

      An odd arrangement.
    6. fortapache fortapache, 1 year ago
      Thank you very much Deja Vu. Keramikos covered that.

      Thank you very much elanski. Cool video. It is noisier than I thought.

      Thank you very much keramikos. That may be the car it was modeled after.

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