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Stella getting a new set of Firestone tires today

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Designer's loves39 of 32551950’s Martin & Schwartz gas pumpSavannah is getting a new set of Firestone tires today
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    Posted 1 year ago

    (677 items)

    Today my 1935 Ford Cabriolet name Stella got a new set a Firestone tires. As we were taking off the old ones we noticed they were dated 1975, they were 48 years old. No one must have ever drove the car whoever owned it just invested a let it sit and looked at it. The tires that I took off look new but the white walls were all cracked. I just felt like it was better to put brand new ones on it and be safe. Just a few more things to do and I think the car will be ready for Spring. Looking forward to driving it around in the good weather with the top down. I’m really loving this old Ford. Savannah’s finally got a sister. LOL :-)



    1. dav2no1 dav2no1, 1 year ago
      Looking good. It's in the 30s here.. I need a heater in my garage, it's cold. Need to uncover both trucks and warm them up.
    2. jscott0363 jscott0363, 1 year ago
      Stella's looking beautiful with her new white sidewall tires!!!!
    3. crswerner crswerner, 1 year ago
      Stella looks great Uncle Michael

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