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A Loetz Vase with 'Hanging Heart' Décor.

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Bohemian Art Glass168 of 6912Bohemian Art Nouveau pink satin martele glass vase - Kralik or Rindskopf?Loetz: Pot metal yellow PN II 2/602, decor no. 294, "Damasc"
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    Posted 1 year ago

    (87 items)

    Loetz vases with 'Hanging Heart' décor are highly sought after. Known mostly are vases of the Phenomen Genre 3/492, where the heart is made of an applied ruby-red marquetery glass. My vase is a rare example with thin intarsia hearts covered completely by sliver-yellow glass, the very same glass, the finely pulled down threadings, onto which the hearts are hanging are made, too. This décor with six hearts is applied over a bright 'Candia Cisele' surface and is threefold repeated, always a deeper hanging heart is flanked by two higher hanging hearts and vice versa. For assignment purpose, I attach the Loetz 'Musterschnitt' PN=II/1339 (1904) showing clearly a sketch of this décor, but applied to another shape possibly onto 'Hubertus' glass. From this almost matching sketch, I would think my vase is showing a similar Phenomen like Gre 1339, too and was made around the same time. The shape of my vase is well known also from differently decorated vases, but I didn't yet find it's associated exact shape production number, it s similarly to PN=II-2/462,-468,-606. The quite heavy vase of 1080 gr stands 22.5 cm high and has a maximum diameter of 15 cm.

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    1. Loetzforever Loetzforever, 1 year ago
      Wunderbare Vase, in dieser Farbgebung habe ich dieses Dekor noch nie gesehen. Sehr schönes und seltenes Stück, Glückwunsch.
      Wonderful vase, I have never seen this decor in this color scheme before. Very nice and rare piece, congratulations.
    2. antiquerose antiquerose, 1 year ago
      ~ GULP ~ drooling ~
    3. kairomalte, 1 year ago
      Dear Reiner,
      thank you for your kind comment, a similarly silver-yellow hanging heart decorated vase of same size was sold in 2011 for about 12.000 $ by Dorotheum, Vienna.
    4. Sammyz Sammyz, 1 year ago
      Would love to find this in the wild!
    5. bohemianglassandmore bohemianglassandmore, 1 year ago
      Superb, Kai! Congratulations
    6. LoetzDance LoetzDance, 1 year ago
      What a wonderful addition to your collection. A magnificent, beautiful and rare find! Sorry for the late congratulations. I can't believe that I let the holidays and traveling take over from my Loetz glass addiction during this time frame! LOL

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