Posted 1 year ago
(3478 items)
Got all my Matchbox Carrying cases together. Stole the idea from another page. These are all from the early late 1960s which pretty much covers the 1960s. The early models have cardboard dividers while the later ones have lastic trays. The plastic trays are more durable and protect the cars better See photo #4n for the plastic trays, actually they are soft plastic. But then again Matchbox City and the Sears Service Station used the paper dividers although they are from the late 60s. But they held a small amount of cars. These are in photos 2 and 3.. I believe most of these were made by Ideal for Lesney/Matchbox because they were one of the only toy companies capable of making vinyl carrying cases.
Anyway these are my carrying cases and I need a few more. I have some loose cars still.
Nice set
Thank you very much Vynil.
I was always jealous of the kids that had the carry cases
Thank you very much elanski. I had the 72 car carrying case.