Posted 1 year ago
(3474 items)
Since Jscott liked pic #4 in the last post here is an expanded version. There are 2 kettenkrads which are tracked motorcycles. Only 3 in 20 Germans could drive a car but most could drive motorcycles. These along with the motorcycle with sidecar were made by 21st Century Toys/Ultimate Soldier. Most of the figures are Ultimate Soldier. The bicycle was made by Dragon and the anti-tank gun in fron of the bicycle made by DiD. These are all 1/6 scale the same as GI Joe.
Hopefully my little display is acceptable.
Wow!! These are GREAT!! The display is outstanding!
You may have to deploy them to Ukraine, so many treasures here !~
Is that Himmler with the bicycle in the last picture?
Thank you very much Scott.
Thank you very much Phil, I may have to.
Thank you very much elanski. Just a generic German soldier I think.