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M 1905 Bayonet Springfield Armory WWI and WWII

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    Posted 10 months ago

    (3484 items)

    The M1905 bayonets are dated 1906. This is just because, probably because that is when they started making them. This bayonet was made for the M1903 rifle which was the main rifle for the US during WWI. Note the markings in pic #1. SA stands for Springfield Armory and it has the flaming bomb which was used by several manufacturers on various products but most often seen on bayonets. The other major manufacturer of this type of bayonet was Rock Island Arsenal (RIA).
    These bayonets were also used in early WWII. The seller said he got this one in the Philippines which is one of then places where these bayonets were used. Due to the surrender there the owner may not have been fortunate. The POW camps were quite unleasent to say the least.
    This is my Memorial day post. Hopefully everyone had a good day.

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    1. Merrill33 Merrill33, 10 months ago
      Cool bayonet
    2. Newfld Newfld, 10 months ago
      Good Memorial Day post fort, savage looking weapon
    3. fortapache fortapache, 10 months ago
      Thank you very much Merril.

      And thank you very much Newfld.
    4. kwqd kwqd, 4 days ago
      The blade length is 16" and the M1917 rifle is 46.3" for a total length of 62.3", or 5' 2.3". Not really a closeup weapon.
    5. kwqd kwqd, 4 days ago
      My bad. The M1917 rifle used the M1917 bayonet, which was 16.5" long. It does not fit on the M1903 rifle.

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