Posted 9 months ago
(845 items)
Cast Iron Notary/Embosser
Approximately 11" to top of the handle
I spotted this notary/embosser amongst miscellaneous items on a sellers table. If you have seen my posts, then you know I love these items and the history mysteries that they have. This one did not disappoint and will need much research.
It appears to be Danish or German. I believe it says "Evergreen..(Theater?) No 1, Founded June 16th, 1894 Seattle, Washington" what the image and other letters represent, I am not sure?
**So Kera found this...
Order of the Sons of Herman
"The Order of the Sons of Hermann (German: Der Orden der Hermanns-Soehne, also known as Hermann Sons (Hermannssöhne), is a mutual aid society for German immigrants that was formed in New York, New York, on July 20, 1840"
More research needed.
The Order of the Sons of Hermann
dav2no1, Thanks for the hat tip. :-)
When I first saw that beehive image, my mind went to the Mormons, but apparently the beehive has been widely used by masonic lodges as well. And the Sons of Herman.
Cool picture in that U of WA piece.
I haven't thrown you any mood music lately, have I? Here ya go:
Herman's Hermits "Mrs. Brown, You've Got A Lovely Daughter" on The Ed Sullivan Show, June 6, 1965.
The song was written by British actor Trevor Peacock:
I remember him from "The Vicar of Dibley," because his character had a nervous tic of saying, "No, no, no, no, no," even when he meant "Yes," so anybody he was talking to had to wait for the "No's" to run their course.
Pretty much all of Jim's 'No's from entire Dibley series. Really did my head in when making the video.
And you are?
No, no, no, no, no ...................Yes
Kera it was great detective work on your part! I've contacted the Washington state Historical Society and trying to get more answers. Will donate it, if they are interested. They're in Tacoma, so local to me.
Great song..he really kept his composure withal the girls screaming the entire
dave2no1, You know you'd have found it yourself in time, but that new job is taking up quite chunk of your life these days, so I thought I'd throw you a hint.
And there you go again, tryna donate stuff of historical interest. <3
Yeah, by 1965, Herman's Hermits were seasoned performers.
Not only did teenaged girls like them, parents liked them, because their onstage persona was clean and boyish.
In fact, it was the very boyish appearance of teenaged Peter Noone that led indirectly to the group's name:
"Very boyish appearance" is putting it mildly. In some of those old pictures, he looked like an unusually tall twelve year old.
the symbol in the middle represent a beehive, many enterprise, bank and store use this symbol that mean, productivities, team work and collectivities.
Alan - thank you for the comments. I had done a lot of research on this group. We believe it's possibly a woman's group? Still looking over the documents