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Taxidermy Tuesday Gregory Peccary the Javelina Plus Special Guest

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    Posted 8 months ago

    (3474 items)

    Pleasr note Gregory Peccary is very sensitive and does not like negative comment. He is not 12 point deer but still a fine specimen. Plus the teeth seem to be original as opposed to the usual plastic replicas..
    Peccaries, also known as Javalina are a new world species of pig. They are omnivores weighing from around 40 to 80 pounds. I am not sure what Gregory would have weighed. Based on the size of the teeth it seems it would be on the larger size.
    In other news I have been looking for a peccary mount for some time and finally found one at the price I wanted. The last photo is a wild boar at the same flea market but at a price I did not like at all plus plastic teeth.

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 8 months ago
      Impressive wild pigs, very cool
    2. fortapache fortapache, 8 months ago
      Gregory says thank you very much Newfld.
    3. keramikos, 8 months ago
      fortapache, Uncle Frank would approve. };-)
    4. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 8 months ago
      That little pig drove to work only to invent the pope Gregorian calendar
      That little Peckery In hisVW,,All along the road avoiding the yellow snow
    5. fortapache fortapache, 8 months ago
      Thank you very much keramikos. You got it.

      Thank you very much Vynil. You got it too.

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