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Packing House 4th of July Car Show Trailers and Campers

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    Posted 8 months ago

    (3472 items)

    Sorry for the lack of exciting posts but I have been working on a project in the meantime more car show photos. This isn't a huge show but it has some of the best variety. From semi-trucks to antique tractors. Anyway they also had a couple vacation trailers and a camper. I believe the first one is 1948 or 1949. The second is a Shasta, you can tell by the wings. I think these are called a Bambi or perhaps that is just the 15 foot Airstream. Never knew the back end opens up..
    Wrapping it up with a fine vintage camper truck.


    1. elanski elanski, 8 months ago
      Wow. Their people have kept them in super condition
    2. fortapache fortapache, 8 months ago
      Thank you very much elanski. A lot of hard work.

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