Posted 5 months ago
(3474 items)
Still yet another caboose and still yet another Santa Fe caboose. Got this one along with the GPs I posted a week or two ago. This one is a kit model and was put together very nicely abnd is in mint condition. I think it is from the 1980s. This model with the copula near the rear is the most common type of caboose. I believe I have 2 of the Southern Pacific, one Union Pacific and 2 Santa Fe including this one. Each has a different paint scheme. This would have been a steel body caboose. I must back up a bit, the copula was moved back to save room although from what I have seen the back section was just a mud room. These cabooses have everything but a shower in them.
I would have been quite happy to ride in the copula for a living. No holidays or birthdays off but I would have adjusted.