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Rindskopf Art Nouveau orange cased glass vase with pull up decor

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    Posted 5 months ago

    (948 items)

    This is another instance of replacing an item I'd previously sold. The original vase was purchased in 2002, from a shop in a small country town. It was very cheap, & had a lot of chipping to the top rim. At the time, I didn't know the maker or exact era, & I ended up lumping it in with the few Tango glass pieces I already had then, due to the vibrant orange.
    Fast forward to 2015, when I was selling off a lot of my collection, & the original vase went to a new home.
    It wasn't until several years later that I realized what I'd let slip through my fingers, & commenced a quest to obtain a replacement. It wasn't easy, as this decor seems to be hard to find. At last I found this one on eBay UK, which with exchange rate, postage, & GST, was far from a bargain, unlike the original vase. But so be it!
    This vase is a larger sized version of the original, measuring 23.7 cm tall, 6.5 cm across the top rim, & 11 cm across the base. From memory the other one was only about 18 cm or so. The old one also had a slightly iridescent satin finish, while this one is glossy, with just a touch of iridescence on the pull up area.
    The vase is made from two layers of cased glass, clear over orange. The orange layer has a UV verified cadmium content, showing a pinkish glow. There is pull up decor in oxblood red, yellow, & blue, which has a fine, thready texture.
    There is no pontil mark, however, I have noticed a faint etched marking on the base. I am going to try to get a photo of it to see if is decipherable. Update - trying to take a photo proved impossible but I think it reads Czechoslovakia, which points to a slightly later date potentially. I know Rindskopf went out business in the 1920s, after a move into producing mainly carnival glass/pressed glass. So perhaps this was towards the end of art glass production for Rindskopf.

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    1. inky inky, 5 months ago
      Great colour Marin, love it ..
    2. IronLace IronLace, 5 months ago
      Many thanks, Penny!

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