Posted 4 months ago
(3472 items)
Yes another kitchen implement with a green handle or more properly still yet again another. This one is a serving/stirring spoon with drainage holes. Don't be dripping on the tablecloth. Quite handy with boiled food. That is just a guess on my part as I am not huge on cooking especially boiling.
See figure 4 for my green handled display.
The green handled section is looking very impressive these days
"Quite handy with boiled food. That is just a guess on my part as I am not huge on cooking especially boiling."
Yah, I can't believe I'm even speculating on this, because I am so very NOT a chef, but this pierced spoon would be useful for draining off any excess liquid.
However, that beloved green wooden handle to me speaks of a kitchen implement rather than a dining room serving piece.
Don't be dripping any excess liquid on my grandmother's hand-crocheted tablecloth unless you're looking for a slap upside the head. };-)
Thank you very much keramikos. Yes the tablecloth thing got me thinking this isn't for the table. My grandmother didn't have anything fancy like that though. They had the money but she wasn't into fancy.
"My grandmother didn't have anything fancy like that though. They had the money but she wasn't into fancy."
Well, my grandmother probably only had some fancy things because she made them. She was a wizard with a crochet hook.
The filet crochet tablecloth in question was made by my grandmother for her favorite Daughter-in-Law, my mother. <3
It probably isn't best practice to play favorites with family members, but I suspect that my mother might have earned favorite DiL status by listening patiently when my grandmother would call on the telephone to chat every weekday morning.
I love the spoon and your entire display!
It would really amuse me to see the young adults in my family use one of those mixers or, as my mother called hers, an “egg beater”
She could whip up very fluffy meringues for her delicious pies using just such a hand mixer.