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Vintage Rexcraft Official Boy Scout Bugle

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    Posted 3 months ago

    (3481 items)

    Finally got an Official Boy Scout Bugle. This one is made by Rexcraft. This is a real official one as seen in photo #2. Not sure how old it is but it has a lovely patina. Looks bronze. It is almost the exact same as a US Army regulation bugle. The tuning slides are in different positions. Looks like it can be tuned to a full step higher. In the long long ago I could actually play the bugle and played taps at a memorial day service but I have lost my lip. Actually the lip is still there but I can't play the bugle anymore.

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    1. jscott0363 jscott0363, 3 months ago
      These are pretty cool!! Merry Christmas Friend!!!
    2. dav2no1 dav2no1, 3 months ago
      What happened to the other boy scout stuff you were gonna post?

      And yeah..I played trumpet for like 9 years..couldn't play now to save my life.
    3. keramikos, 3 months ago

      "In the long long ago I could actually play the bugle and played taps at a memorial day service but I have lost my lip. Actually the lip is still there but I can't play the bugle anymore."


      "And yeah..I played trumpet for like 9 years..couldn't play now to save my life."

      Y'all. Just be grateful that you were spared "laryngocele" and "Gillespie's Pouches. Or were you? };-)

      I myself played clarinet in grade school, but couldn't do more than wet a reed at this point.
    4. keramikos, 3 months ago
      Oh, BTW, Happy Holidays.
    5. fortapache fortapache, 3 months ago
      Thank you very much Scott and Merry Christmas.

      Sorry Dave. I will get to work on getting my pins together and get back to the Saturday Evening Scout Post. I have other stuff too. I was a trombone player but I played other brass too.

      Thank you very much keramikos. I don't think so and happy holidays.

      Thank you very much
    6. lzenglish lzenglish, 3 months ago
      Very Nice Fort., I have one of its twin brothers i found last year in one of my honey holes in CA. I also attempted to play the trumpet in the 7th grade early 60s, but never learned to read music, so faked it. LOL
    7. keramikos, 3 months ago
      Just in case you're wondering whether I was hating on Dizzie Gillespie: no, I wasn't.

      He was one of the greats; however, WATCHING him perform makes me nervous, because of those cheeks of his.

      I can LISTEN to Gillespie all day, though:

      Dizzy Gillespie - Birks' Works (1957)

      Dizzy Gillespie and his Orchestra

      Talib Daawud, Lee Morgan, Ermit V. Perry, Carl Warwick, Dizzy Gillespie (trumpet), Al Grey, Rod Levitt, Melba Liston (trombone), Ernie Henry, Jimmy Powell (alto saxophone) Billy Mitchell, Benny Golson (tenor saxophone), Billy Root (baritone saxophone), Wynton Kelly (piano), Paul West (bass), Charlie Persip (drums), Ernie Wilkins (arranger)

      NYC, April 7, 1957
    8. fortapache fortapache, 3 months ago
      Thank you very much LZenglish. My honey holes are also in CA but perhaps different one.

      Thank you very much keramikos. I didn't like to watch dizzy play myself. I think my favorites would be Lew Soloff, Greg Adams and Maynard Ferguson.
    9. keramikos, 3 months ago
      fortapache, Good old Maynard:

      Maynard Ferguson performing Birdland on the Mike Douglas Show

      trumpets (L to R): Joe Mosello, Stan Mark, Dennis Noday, Ron Tooley
      trombones (L to R): Phil Gray, Nick Lane
      saxes/woodwinds (L to R): Eric Troub, Mike Migliori, Bobby Militello
      piano/keys: Biff Hannon
      guitar: John Chiodini
      bass: Gordon Johnson
      drums: Peter Erskine

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