Posted 1 month ago
(3473 items)
I just got a membership so there may be a fair amount of material from there. In the meantime their latest fossil find is Gnatalie the green dinosaur. Gnatalie is a tye of diplodocus which was the longest of the dinosaurs. Gnatalie is the first 2 photos.
Photo #3 is a triceratops. It is the size of a vary large Caterpillar Bulldozer. The skull is 8 feet long.
Last is a Plesiosaur, the body is can be seen with some effort on the right. The tail of Mamenchisaurus can be seen in the background.
In the meantime there was iron in my words of power outages as it has been often off thus post impaired.
These are incredible, especially the triceratops!! I've never seen an actual dinosaur skeleton fossil up close and personal.
Thank you very much Scott. Yes the trike is quite impressive.
fortapache, Gnatalie. <3
Gnatalie (pronounced “nat-ah-lee”), affectionately nicknamed for the stinging gnats that pestered its excavators during the digs, is the most complete sauropod skeletal mount on the West Coast—and the only green-colored fossil specimen on the planet. Gnatalie’s unusual bone coloring is due to infilling by the green mineral celadonite during the fossilization process.
Thank you very much keramikos for the additional info.