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1966 Triumph T-120 Bonneville custom '40s style

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (73 items)

    This is my 1966 Triumph T120 Bonneville with a 1971 TR6C engine. This is a custom build that I did back in '99. Since the engine was not the original & I really like the older bikes from the teens through the 40's or '50s the most, I went ahead and custom built this one from the ground up, just the way I wanted it. Very little chrome & nothin' fancy.

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    1. NicksCrustyStuff NicksCrustyStuff, 13 years ago
      Thanks Hems303!
      Definitely need the springs on the roads here in PA.
      Pretty comfortable & smooth riding for a rigid though.
      Thanks for the comment!
    2. likethebikes, 12 years ago
      Like this bike? That is a serious understatement! I have a 66 Bonneville (or rather have a frame, two wheels, engine, tranny and a few boxes misc totally what I believe is a complete bike) and sir I'm afraid I may have to borrow heavily from your build! This is one of the most gorgeous semi-custom builds I've ever seen. Serious kudos to you!

      Love it!
    3. NicksCrustyStuff NicksCrustyStuff, 12 years ago
      Thank you very much LikeTheBikes!
      I really had just as much fun building it, as riding it. There's more than a few hand-made parts on it. You are of course more than welcome to borrow anything you like.
      Hope you have just as much fun with yours & Thanks again!
    4. Zowie Zowie, 12 years ago
      Nick you did a really top job, fell in love with as soon as I seen the picture. It should have a nice thump under you enough to let you know your on a BIKE.
    5. NicksCrustyStuff NicksCrustyStuff, 12 years ago
      Thanks Zowie!
      That's a very good way to describe the ride, you definitely feel the road but it's really a lot smoother than you what would think it would be for a rigid. And yes, the big bumps do get your attention right quick though.
      Thanks for the comment!
    6. NicksCrustyStuff NicksCrustyStuff, 12 years ago
      Thanks JayHow! I did not want to go with the open drag-pipe sound on this bike, a little too sharp & loud for this style. These mufflers are more of a glass-pack type design. They are straight through flow, with packing in the body to eliminate that sharp cracking sound & give them a low deep rumble. Not Harley-like at all, more like the low rumble of a performance sports-car.
      Thanks for the comments!
    7. NicksCrustyStuff NicksCrustyStuff, 12 years ago
      I don't remember exactly who made them, but they are made in England reproductions of an original Triumph muffler. I think these came from British-Only. They sell new, used, and new old stock parts for Brit-bikes.
    8. NicksCrustyStuff NicksCrustyStuff, 12 years ago
      I think so, but can't remember right now. It's been awhile since I built this bike. If I can find out what they were called, I'll shoot you back a reply.
    9. OCAD OCAD, 11 years ago
      Wow! Absolutely beautiful!
    10. NicksCrustyStuff NicksCrustyStuff, 11 years ago
      Thank you OCAD!
    11. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 11 years ago
      lol,,,, miss my old Triumph....nice job on this one ..........
    12. NicksCrustyStuff NicksCrustyStuff, 11 years ago
      Thanks Roycecroft!
    13. JueBoo, 11 years ago
      Love this !!!
    14. NicksCrustyStuff NicksCrustyStuff, 11 years ago
      Thanks JueBoo!
    15. Alfred1o1 Alfred1o1, 4 years ago
      yum yum ...

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