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Pukeberg Vasline Goblets and plates Patented by Jules Venon

In Art Glass > Scandinavian Art Glass > Show & Tell and Glassware > Vaseline Glass > Show & Tell.
Scandinavian Art Glass883 of 1467Small bowls - Gunnar Nylund for Strombergshyttan 1950s - 60s.Strombergshyttan bowl 1950s - likely a Gunnar Nylund design.
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (14 items)

    I Recently found some of Jules Venon Patented Vaseline glassware. made by Pukeberg glass works. I found his patent March 17, 1927 :
    for the Goblets so far! They came from the estste of a 94 year old lady living in Oregon who had these in storage for many many years. I Would love to know the designer and what the pattern is called.

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    1. garygodwin2004, 12 years ago
      Wonderful collection of Pukeberg will learn more.
    2. vetraio50 vetraio50, 12 years ago
      You did so well to get them. Congratulations.
      Have you contacted Börje A Y Åkerblom?

      I just found this article in German at the wonderful pressed glass site:
    3. vetraio50 vetraio50, 12 years ago
      In this new article mention is made of the Collector's Weekly discussion of the Roaring Lion plate: Schale mit brüllendem Löwe.
      Cross pollination!
    4. vetraio50 vetraio50, 12 years ago
      Is it possible they are the same design as 'Venon Goblet Design Patent D 72247-1'?
    5. glowinglasscreations glowinglasscreations, 12 years ago
      The design matches exactly on the smaller goblets. Suprising an estate collection and the dinner plates are not found.
    6. hesterscloset, 7 years ago
      I wonder if we have the dinner plates you mentioned.... I work for an estate of a glass collector in Oregon and just came across a set of this pattern! :)

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