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Trench Art Zeppelin from WW1

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (977 items)

    This is a rarely found subject matter in trench art.

    The Zeppelin body is made from strips of cut shell brass that was assembled to the nose and tail.

    The side pieces are amall rifle or pistol cartridges, with tiny brass propellers.

    The base is also brass.

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    1. Trenchartman Trenchartman, 14 years ago
      That is too cool. I have not seen one before. Thanks for sharing. As soon as I have time I will add more of my trench art.

    2. barefootslim barefootslim, 14 years ago
      LOve it!
      I had a job as a "Ultrra Light" Blimp launcher back in 85.
      Lots of fun walking around with a 40 blimp balanced on 1 finger!
    3. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 14 years ago
      A very nice trench art piece, this is a keeper.
    4. barefootslim barefootslim, 14 years ago
      I sold a Zepplin cocktail shaker several years ago and have regreted it since
    5. SCPODan, 14 years ago
      I don't collect these, but I'm always intrigued by lighter than air items. Excellent piece of trench art. I love it.

      A related item, the USN rating badge for Chief Airship Rigger, is the only one I'm missing to having the complete collection of CPO specialty mark rating badges ever worn by any USN chief petty officer.
    6. scottvez scottvez, 14 years ago
      SCPODan-- thanks.

      When you get a chance post some of your CPO specialty rating badges-- it sounds like a great collection.

    7. Dan, 14 years ago
      A bit much to post here...but here they are (middle of page) click for larger view
    8. scottvez scottvez, 14 years ago
      Thanks for the link, Dan.

      I like the oriental embroidered liberty cuffs on the site. I have a good sized collection of oriental embroidery made for USN personel-- framed wall hangings and tour jackets.

      Thanks again for the link,

    9. Dan, 14 years ago
      I've written a book about much of this area of collection, especially tailor-made dress blue uniforms and liberty cuffs.
      I'd like to see some of your framed embroidery with USN themes.
    10. scottvez scottvez, 14 years ago
      Sure-- I'll post some.

      Most are the typical Eagle and Flags with "In Memory of my cruise".

      I do have one (maybe two) that are IDd and a few with at least the ship named.

      The most interesting one I have is a copy (of the embroidery) that is painted and instead of "E Pluribus Unum" it has the USMC motto "Semper Fidelis". It dates from the late 1800s.

      I'll post some soon.

    11. SCPODan, 14 years ago
      Thanks, Scott.
      I'm partial to dragons and eagles.
    12. scottvez scottvez, 14 years ago
      I just posted a large souvenir embroidery piece with both DRAGON and EAGLE.

    13. scottvez scottvez, 14 years ago
      Thanks Mike and composer.

      Take a look at my other postings-- I have many other unusual trench art items displayed.

    14. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Thanks Phil-- I have seen a few other zeppelins over the years, but it is certainly one of the harder forms to find.

    15. Esther110 Esther110, 13 years ago
      This is beautiful!! Your collection is amazing!!

      Scott, would you mind looking here
      and telling me if you think it might be trench art???
    16. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Thanks again Esther-- I'll take a look.

    17. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Thanks for looking bellin and Purdy.

    18. pops52 pops52, 12 years ago
      Very interesting piece!
    19. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      Thanks pops-- glad to have you look.

      I have numerous postings of trench art. Most is WW1 or WW2, but I do have a couple of Spanish American War era items as well.

      Take a look when you have the time.

    20. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      Thanks again petey!

    21. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      Thanks for looking rob and pw.

    22. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      Thanks tom.

    23. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      Thanks for looking cultcha.

    24. sarahoff sarahoff, 12 years ago
      You have a wonderful collection Scott! I'm not the best at identifying photographic technique, If you have time would you help me with my gilded gesso framed wedding photo. I'm unsure of what sub-category to place it in.
    25. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      Thanks for looking sarahoff.

      Your image looks to be early 20th century (1900- 1920)-- the frame is probably from the same time period as well.

    26. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      Thanks for looking manikin.

    27. sarahoff sarahoff, 12 years ago
      Thanks again Scott:)
    28. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      Glad to help sarahoff.

    29. scottvez scottvez, 11 years ago
      Thanks for looking dan! If you like this type item, be sure to look at all of my other trench art postings. I have everything from the common and mundane shell ashtray to the unusual such as WW1 airplanes and propeller clocks.

    30. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 11 years ago
      WOW what a fascinating object & post.
    31. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 11 years ago
      this is the most inspired and beautiful trench art piece i have ever seen! i really love it, but it boggles my mind to think of using Zeppelins in wartime and getting shot at, etc... ?? i guess that brilliant idea didn't get a very long run.
    32. scottvez scottvez, 11 years ago
      Thanks for looking and commenting cultcha.

    33. scottvez scottvez, 11 years ago
      Thanks for looking fran!

    34. scottvez scottvez, 11 years ago
      Thanks for looking jono!

    35. scottvez scottvez, 10 years ago
      Thanks cultcha and charm.

    36. scottvez scottvez, 10 years ago
      Thanks eyeballs, nuts and loumanal.

    37. dlpetersen, 7 years ago
      Awesome I love it.
    38. scottvez scottvez, 7 years ago
      Thanks dlpetersen-- appreciate you looking and commenting. If you are a fan of trench art, take a look at my other items on Collectors Weekly. I have about 100 pieces on here, to include many unusual ones (aircraft, helmets, mess kits, etc...)

    39. scottvez scottvez, 7 years ago
      Thanks rose.

    40. Collectables59 Collectables59, 7 years ago
      Some truly amazing posts over 7 years. Great to see. Neil
    41. scottvez scottvez, 7 years ago
      Thanks much neil-- appreciate your kind words.

    42. scottvez scottvez, 7 years ago
      Thanks much lata.

    43. buckethead, 7 years ago
      Now....that is an amazing piece....displays nicely :)
    44. scottvez scottvez, 7 years ago
      Thanks much bucket. These are a very unusual subject matter in trench art-- the only zeppelin that I have, and I don't see them that often.


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