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German New York 1916 Medal

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (304 items)

    German New York City 1916 Medal
    This is a pro-German medal issued in New York City during the First World War while the US was still neutral. The obverse has the Kaiser’s coinage portrait and the Latin legend “WILHELM II IMPERATOR REX. NEW YORK 1916”. The reverse has “DULCE ET DECORUM EST PRO PATRIA MORI” above three crowns and in a wreath. The inscription translates “It is sweet and right to die for your country” which was something the Kaiser was not willing to do when he fled into the Netherlands and exile. The medal is 34.7 mm light bronze with a plain edge.

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    1. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 3 years ago
      First time I've heard of these. Must be really scarce.
    2. keramikos, 3 years ago
      Militarist, Cool. :-)
    3. Militarist Militarist, 3 years ago
      Thanks bb, I hope so, it is the only one I have seen in decades.

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