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    Posted 14 years ago

    (5 items)

    Photos - My bookcase display, a Gresham and Craven, a James Weir Patent (Raymond) and a Wilcox & Gibbs. The other machines in the bookcase are 2 Singer 12's, a Singer 128 with Rococco decals and black faceplate/handwheel/inspection covers, a Singer 27 hand with Sphinx decals, a Singer 28 with Victorian decals, a Singer 28 with La Vencendora decals, a Frister and Rossman VS Egyptian decals (Naked Lady), a Frister and Rossman VS Calendula decals (green), a Jones Hand, a Wheeler and Wilson 8, a Stoewer TS with Cherubs, a badged National "Rhodia", a badged Anker "Regia", a badged New Home "Defiance" and a little Clemens Muller Saxonia. And a couple of toys (a little Betty and a Singer 40.) There are 2 treadles in the same area, a 27 Sphinx 1899, and an IF treadle, 1885. Upstairs I have 2 Saxonia machines, a Pinnock and a Harris S, a Singer 66 treadle, a Singer 99 hand crank, a 221 Featherweight, Frister and Rossman TS with Oak Leaves, a Singer 15 hand RAF decals, a Singer 20 toy, and a Singer 20-10 Sewhandy. I have a few others tucked away - a Singer 66 with Lotus decal, treadle, a Free Rotoscillo treadle, and about a dozen vintage electric Singers, mainly 99's and 201's, and a Japanese badged Standard hand crank. And a few under repair, with 5 treadles stacked out in the shed. I don't have the largest collection in the world by any stretch of the imagination, but I love them :)

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    1. Savoychina1 Savoychina1, 14 years ago
      LOVE the display and the display cases. How long have you been collecting? Do you restore them yourself or buy them this nice? !
    2. Bernadette Bernadette, 14 years ago
      Hello Savoychina, I have only had to give the machines a clean in the majority of cases. They are my special treasures. I have been collecting for about 8 years.
    3. Esther110 Esther110, 14 years ago
      Lovely collection! They must be a b***h to keep this clean!!!
      All those mentioned in 8 years is borderline obsessive....but look who's
    4. lundy lundy, 13 years ago
      those a great i have a new home you would like
    5. Flash1fitness Flash1fitness, 13 years ago
      Just dropped in to say what a fantastic collection!
    6. neat.old.stuff neat.old.stuff, 13 years ago
      great collection and display
    7. mrmajestic1 mrmajestic1, 13 years ago
      I love this display!
    8. epson233 epson233, 12 years ago
      nice display and great variety of machines --
    9. Bernadette Bernadette, 12 years ago
      A big thank you everyone who has left lovely comments.
    10. epson233 epson233, 12 years ago
      you are totally amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      ted and i do the restoration work on many of these machines -- here are the post
    11. epson233 epson233, 12 years ago
      will never bid on ebay unless i check with you first-- in regards to threads -- machines -- etc etc -- as i could be the competitor bidder on ebay and that would not be nice -- but since ted and i do not need anymore -- i think that will not happen -- mostly we buy just to learn and then give away -- stay in touch -- you have all the info on me via your email address and again i so love that blog and am still continuing to read -- if i get a scold from cw so be it -- but i am posting your blog info
    12. pamelad, 3 years ago
      This is exactly what I want to do to display a few I have collected. Did you make the boxes/bottoms to set them into, or were they already original parts of the machines? They are beautiful. And I have an early Fister & Rossman that I would love to find a manual or paperwork for. This is an old listing but thought it worth a try to make contact. Thank You
    13. keramikos, 3 years ago
      Hi, pamelad. :-)

      I don't want you or anybody else trying to connect with the fantastically knowledgeable Bernadette to wait in vain, so I thought I'd better leave word here that she died back in November 2018:

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