Posted 1 year ago
(3484 items)
As I have been having trouble getting my house photo ready I had some house cleaners over. They did run out of here like someone visiting the Addams Family house but they did say they will be back. We shall see. Anyway it does seem to look Home and Gardens ready now.
The blue color seen through the window is just a trick of the digital light. The camera just interpreted it that way. Back in Snowmaghetton when it was actually buried in 9 feet of snow it really did look like that.
The bathtub is enamel covered so I guess that is the category.
This looks awesome!! I happen to have a pair of bookends that were repurposed from cast iron bathtub feet. I’ll have to post those soon.
Looks great. Like the barbed wire..
Some use their bathtub for watering their cattle. At least you don't.
Looks fantastic
Thank you very much Scott. I lok forward to seeing them.
Thank you very much Dave. My Grandma may me that as a joke.
Thank you very much Golgatha. It would be hard to get cattle in here.
And thank you very much elanski.
compliments a beauty with so many details..... that old things to do the laundry
A perfect abode! My tub is almost identical and I also have the same stained glass bird in one of my windows….you have very good taste, I must say.