Nan24 » collections




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I’ve been a collector since I was a child having grown up in a family of Antique dealers. I’ve always been attracted to the unusual when it came to what I’ve collectI’ve been a collector since I was a child having grown up in a family of Antique dealers. I’ve always been attracted to the unusual when it came to what I’ve collected. Will enjoy sharing some of my finds with everyone (Read more)


  1. Thank you all
  2. Thank you Keramikos
  3. Thank you very much keramikos…
  4. Thank you Lundy…. I will check that out and let you know if it is pine with me… lol
  5. Thank you PhilDMorris
  6. Thank you Lundy
  7. It’s copper coated…
  8. Trying to pinpoint an age on this. Any ideas? Thank you…
  9. Thank you very much!
  10. Thank you very much…
  11. Thank you very much for all your comments about this item...
  12. Wow... Looks like... Dear Richard may a snake come to you and hug you and protect you and bring you into the paradise _____________________
  13. Very nice piece... Looks like jade.. Not sure of the age... I’m interested to know what kind of fish that is...
  14. Thank you very much... I do love this piece...
  15. Thank you Celiene very much...
  16. Thank you jscotto363 very much!
  17. I love old sheet music. The graphics are great and yes they look awesome framed. I still buy sheet music for that reason..
  18. It is definitely made of some kind of metal it is heavy too... I posted another picture showing the inside... Thank you!
  19. Thank you everyone for your comments. Greatly appreciated!
  20. No metal bucket. Just the glass piece that’s sets on a metal rim. Looked all around inside no markings to be found.. Thank you!
  21. Thank you very much Lundy... A magnet does not stick to it..
  22. Thank you... I love it...
  23. Thank you!!
  24. Very nice piece. It does look like Majolica. Not sure of the age. Any thoughts from anyone on how old this piece is?
  25. Thank you Lundy... I’ve decided to put a plant in it and just enjoy it for now... Would like to know it’s true purpose though...
  26. Thank you everyone very much for your comments..... “lundy” bingo championship that sure would be quite an event to participate in!! Oh yah.... Too funny....
  27. Still looking for any info about this piece... Age, country of origin. Thank you ????
  28. Love it.... Thank you!!
  29. I’m still puzzled as to what they would call this very large footed bowl... Hoping someone knows... Thank you
  30. Thank you everyone for your comments....
  31. Not enameled brass. Majolica I believe. It’s so big I’m wondering what exactly it was used for?
  32. Thank you Lundy very much. Does look to be a centerpiece for your dining room table...
  33. Love everyone’s comments Thank you
  34. Thank you
  35. Thank you very much. I will visit that website...
  36. Thank you very much I will check that out...
  37. It is very strange looking. Just googled it there are a lot of them all different... Thank you very much for the info. I now no what it’s called will do more looking to see if I can come up with the a...
  38. I love it... I can see the same thing!!
  39. Thank you lots
  40. Thank you I will do that
  41. Will be interesting to see if someone knows origin and age... Thank you
  42. Very cool looking...
  43. What an interesting bottle!!
  44. Thank you lots.... I will leave it as is....
  45. Thank you very much....
  46. Beautiful plate
  47. See more


posted 1 year ago
posted 1 year ago
posted 4 years ago
posted 4 years ago
posted 55 years ago
posted 55 years ago
