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slc utah

i like stuff from the 50's 60's and 70's reconnecting me to my parents and happy times. i love pottery, i love polynesian stuff, i lived on oahu in the 60's. i am ini like stuff from the 50's 60's and 70's reconnecting me to my parents and happy times. i love pottery, i love polynesian stuff, i lived on oahu in the 60's. i am interested in any history or science and what's going on with the us and the world. (Read more)


  1. I have 3 Trader Vic mugs, the paint is diminished on 2 of them, the bottom looks much older, and I've seen others that have a different looking logo. I'm not sure but I thought Treasure Craft always m...
  2. fantastic, Wayne May has several videos on youtube, and he and his group have found over the last 30 yrs in the eastern states many artifacts, actually in London there are a few drawers of arts and cr...
  3. there has been many artifacts found in the eastern US states, Wayne May has many videos on youtube and many have found very old things, around the water and such that are ancient meaning they go back ...
  4. wow that is one cool atomic looking clock
  5. looks like a really old casaba sp? wood bowl that got wet and went dark
  6. someone referred me to another site and one just like it with other insulators was found, they have it for bidding on WorthPoint ty to TallCakes
  7. TallCakes, ty so much, I couldn't figure out how to describe it, so I didn't find anything, but yes, it looks to be probably an insulator as the person describe, this was found by the railroad station...
  8. beautiful, once in a while we find a treasure at a thrift store
  9. I love them!
  10. I've seen these often at our DI thrift stores here in Salt Lake City, Utah, they were popular at some time. They were pieces that people like to pour and then get ready to put in the kiln, then paint ...
  11. I'm in love with any of these type of fish, bubbles, mermaids, they are pricey though, but so cute, I picked up a large about 11" whitish koi fish with the freeman sticker on the bottom at a thrift sh...
  12. ty valentino, interesting
  13. it probably is from europe, I live in in slc utah and people here go on LDS missions to europe so possible it was picked up then, and a lot of stuff from those that pass away end up at these thrift st...
  14. TY DAVE, yea I kinda thought it looked 50'ish
  15. ty efesgirl, yea, I've looked all over the internet, and I haven't either, I don't know it this is from say the 1960's, or something more recent
  16. it does have stretch to it also
  17. 9709B is the number I just had someone that could see better than I get it. Then I went onto etsy, she has 2 burgundy round plates, white bottom, here's has a similar number with a B at the end, but s...
  18. I love green of that shade in glass beads, especially since they all look a bit different, the synthetic ruby clasp just seems to make it more modern as women are wearing colors together that pop, an...
  19. such a perfect example of that type of glasswork, the ruffles, the intricate shapes of the glass, I'd love to own it, myself, love the light in it, the color, it's not too big. It would look great wit...
  20. aztec or mayan?
  21. there's something about the shade of red, I really like it a lot, very good crafting
  22. yea, I had a couple of these also, the company that makes them I don't remember, but I believe they were made in the 60's, they take popular pictures and put an ornate type of brass around it
  23. yes, i had my own monkey pod tree that i climbed into, and it is still there 43 yrs later, there is no smell like the smell of a plumeria, or called frangi panni sp?, except for honeysuckle here where...
  24. yes they had a lot of touism before the pearl harbor thing, many rich people came and visited waikiki, they created nice hotels and you look online and find many pictures of of folks visiting in the 3...
  25. no, it wasn't vintage, it was in stores, and it was a popular necklace, there were bracelets also, and earrings, I have only seen one of these here in the US since then. It does look like palm trees, ...
  26. wow, thanks so much, I've been trying to find out for a long time
  27. I love this type of jewelry, when we lived on oahu in the 60's I used to see this type a lot, I always wanted some.
  28. o ty so, so, much, even people that know his dutch line of pottery and such, had no idea of the date, they look so 70's to I am in my 60's, had no idea they were from the 30's, yes I did see more of t...
  29. yes my dad brought back one also, and some book shelves in 1960, we lived in HA by pearl harbor when it became a state, I wish I had mine, by the dry heat here basically took off most of the shellac s...
  30. looks like a handle of some type, maybe attached to the fireplace
  31. this reminds of the way they string garnet, when you go to those gem and mineral shows
  32. this looks like a military belt, or perhaps a police or firefighter, the 1960 is maybe the year?
  33. yes it looks like Avon
  34. See more


Huge Tonalá burnished bird urn Old Neon Spinner Clock Green stones are not always jade! VICTORIAN 'COUPE À FRUITS' MYSTERY Turquoise "Wagon Wheels" Brooch- N. American or.... Antique or vintage? Art nouveau, carnelian glass?, sterling ring GULOTTA / PRINCE 1000 CHROMATICS Cast iron cook Victorian Seed Pearl Earrings Naughty Turtle Lady - Bathing Beauty from Coney Island Another purse. I am curious if it's special.


Natures own material Gullaskruf Sweden Opaline Vase Happy St. Patrick's Day ! Banana Boys by Alessi Antique Lamp with Emerald Green Glass Quirky little glazed ewer my Aunt Doris gave to me when I was 10. Danish Modern Lamp Horse? Dragon? Brass


posted 17 days ago
posted 7 years ago